Please Note: All Plans for non commercial use only!!
Eminence Tapped Horn
Plans of the Eminence tapped horn, AutoCAD 2000 format, 110KB
Plans of the Eminence tapped horn, PDF format, 70KB
It’s a large 20Hz tapped horn for 15″ drivers. Suitable drivers are the obsolete Eminence EPS15-500 and the current Kappalite 3015LF, DEFINIMAX 4015LF or MTX Audio T7515-04 (many others will work as well).
Alternative plans: 230m version of the Eminence tapped horn, AutoCAD 2000 format, 80KB
Alternative plans: 230m version of the Eminence tapped horn, PDF format, 170KB
It’s almost the same horn with little less height: 230cm compared to 244cm. The low end extension is just a little bit compromised. Check the PDF for Hornresp parameters.
30Hz Tangband Tapped Horn
Plans of the mini Tangband tapped horn, AutoCAD 2000 format, 200KB
Plans of the mini Tangband tapped horn, PDF format, 130KB
It’s a small 4-times folded tapped horn for a 6.5″ Tangband W6-1139SC or W6-1139SG.
Alternatively a 6-times folded version the of the same horn ( provided by Martin, forums name herr_der_ringe ):
Plans of Martins version of the mini Tangband tapped horn, PDF format, 25KB
30Hz Mivoc Tapped Horn
Plans of the Mivoc tapped horn, PDF format, 200KB
This is the plan for a medium sized Tapped Horn based on the 0″ Mivoc AWM104 subwoofer.
38Hz Tangband Tapped Horn
Plans of the mini Tangband tapped horn, PDF format, 310KB
It’s my second Tapped Horn for the 6.5″ Tangband W6-1139SC or W6-1139SG. It goes less deep but extends further up.
38Hz double folded Tangband Tapped Horn
Plans of the double folded mini Tangband tapped horn, PDF format, 310KB
It’s my latest Tapped Horn for the 6.5″ Tangband W6-1139SC or W6-1139SG. It uses the same parameters as the one above. The only difference is that it is double folded and therefore less tall.
How to design a double folded Tapped Horn
Tapped Horn folding sceme, PDF format, 80KB
This is a simple way for double folding a tapped horn into a box of a quarter of it’s length. Altough not a 100% precise, very quick and quite acceptable in accuracy.
Conical Midbass Horn
Plans of my new conical midbass horn, 488KB
It’s a 77Hz Conical Midbass fronthorn designed for the Electrovoice EVM15L.
Tractrix Midbass Horn
Plans of my Midbass Horn v1.3a, 138KB
It’s a 150Hz Tractrix Midbass fronthorn designed for the Electrovoice EVM12L. Now, the dimensions of the curved inner parts are given as well.
Tractrix Midrange Horn
Plans of my 300Hz Midrange Horn for Dynaudio D54, 22KB
This Horn is based on Dr. Bruce Edgar’s Midrange Horn article. It covers 500Hz to 5KHz. It’s also suitable for the JBL LE5-2 with a speaker offset of 1/4″ from the baffle. Fill the gap with air pervious foam rubber (as pointed out in the article). Use my Tractrix spreadsheet to calculate the flare!
Klipsch Corner Horn
Plans of my Klipschorn Sub, 66KB
I build the Klipschorn back in ’95. After some research on the net, I decided to draw my own plans for two reasons: The plans available that time were either known to be with errors or they apply non metric board thicknesses, which are not available in Germany. So I started to draw a real 3D model of the horn based on the dimensions of the original. This way, I could assure, that the measurements are correct. At least it worked out fine for me.
10″ Lascala Midbass Horn
Plans of my downscaled LaScala for 10″ drivers, 77KB
Based on the original LaScala, this horn is shrinked down by factor 0.67 to fit a 10″. In the beginning I used them as part of my main (front) speaker. Now, since my Tractrix midbass horns are set up, I take them for the two rear channels of my surround system. Due to its small size this is more a midrange than a midbass horn.